There are certain backpacking essentials that you need to take with you on any trip, be it short or long. Read on to find out about this essential must have item.

The Complete Backpacking Packing List

There are certain backpacking essentials that you should always take if you are going to be traveling for a long time. While there are many new high-end devices out there that you can use, there are a few standard ones that you should keep with you. For example, if you carry a battery-operated GPS with you and the battery is dead, you might be in a crisis without a map. These thoughts lead me into the backpacking essentials you should take on on your trip:

* Maps- You should choose a map that is more suitable for backpacking or hiking. Comprehensive information on the route and area of ​​your trip is required.

* Compass- While having a map is important, a compass is the necessary companion for maps. These two important backpackings go with each other. The trails can start to look similar in the wilderness, so it’s important you know where you’re going. You should choose a compass that is durable and will stand up to elements like the weather.

* Flashlight- Having good lighting ensures that you see what’s ahead. Having adequate lighting can protect against falls or injury; things that could end the trip.

* Spare food and clothing – There are many conditions that can occur when you are on the road, so make sure to bring extra food and clothing. You should always take precautions for the unexpected. Better to be safe than sorry when packing your backpacking essentials.

* Knife- A knife is something that you will find many uses for when you are out in the wilderness. If you can afford it, a knife like the Swiss Army knife is a fantastic asset because you can multitask with it. At the very least, you will need a sharp knife that you can use to cut ingredients and other things.

* Matches that you carry should absolutely be waterproof. As with everything else, the match must have the essentials of backpacking. If you don’t get a waterproof fit, make sure you store it in something that’s waterproof.

* Water or water treatment- You need to be healthy and at your best when you are on the trail, and being hydrated is one of the most effective ways. If you are not going to keep water with you, then you will have to bring essential items, such as iodine tablets, to treat drinking water.

* First Aid Kit-I believe this to be one of the most important backpacking essentials. You never know what you may encounter in the wilderness. Having a first aid kit is very important even for a place or section you know well. You have to make sure that the kit is provided with a selection of items and that all materials are used properly.

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